Thursday, September 3, 2020

Thermoplastic polyester elastomer nanocomposites Assignment

Thermoplastic polyester elastomer nanocomposites - Assignment Example It additionally demonstrates generally excellent protection from sway, tear, creep, and scraped area. Inorder to improve to improve mechanical, therma and electrical properties of TPEs (Aso 2006, 2854) fillers, for example, mica, muds, silica, kaolin, and powder are included (Sreekanth 2009, pg. 272). Mica improves basic properties of TPEs, these properties are practical . which are savvy (Sreekanth 2009, pg. 272). This position has likewise been upheld by LeBaron et al. (1999, pg.12) who contends that composites that show an adjustment in structure and arrangement over a nanometer length consistently display property upgrades in contrast with conventioanally scaled composites. Layered silicates which have been circulated as a strengthening stage on a polymer network are a case of such blend of inorganic/natural nanocomposites (LeBaron et al.1999, pg.12). A portion of these upgraded properties are, expanded moduli, expanded warmth obstruction and quality, and furthermore diminished combustibility (Ray et al. 2003, pg. 2355). For instance, in a nylon layered silicate with 2 % with vol ume of inorganic substance, multiplying of strenghth and pliable modulus is accomplished (Giannelis 1997, pg. 675). The motivation behind why nanocomposites display improved qualities when contrasted with regular composites is on the grounds that the scattering of dirt nano layers expands the quantity of strengthening components accessible that can divert splits (LeBaron et al.1999, pg.13). Coupling between polymer lattice and the enormous surface region (760 m2/g) builds pressure move to the support stage, which empower toughning and ductile improvement by (LeBaron et al.1999, pg.13). Furthermore, layered silicates thickness are in the request for 1 nm and they additionally have high angle proportions in the greatness of (10-1000) (Ray et al. 2003, pg. 2355). There are different reasons why there is an expansion in the high viewpoint proportions of the nanocomposites.According to Yano et al. (1993), it is conceivable that the improved hindrance

Saturday, August 22, 2020

LIFE EXPERIENCES ESSAY; Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Educational EXPERIENCES ; - Essay Example That is one of the most significant life exercises that I have learned. This experience has educated my application to the school. I have had numerous obstructions throughout my life, yet I’ve endured through them. They’ve molded my character yet not conquer it. I recollect how much my folks esteemed instruction; that kept the fire of a superior life living on inside me. Today, I give a valiant effort to endeavor towards greatness with deterrents thumping each day at the entryway. My mom and father have been a significant motivation in my life. Their accounts are the premise to my life and they permit me to realize how far they have ascended from; they instruct me to concentrate on my present state, however to long for additional. Their accounts showed me how to be experienced and to understand that regardless of how life gets you down, you need to get back up again and battle for your fantasies and what you have confidence in. That is the most significant exercise of my life. I put forth a valiant effort to consistently recall it. Close to my family, drug store is the most significant thing in my life. I live, inhale, and rest it. All through my instruction I have endeavored to build up great systematic and basic reasoning capacity. I have large plans and huge dreams which I need to satisfy. I know in my heart I will accomplish them. A drug store degree would be the initial phase in achieving my objectives in my arrangement. I will probably get a drug store degree to profit more youthful drug store understudies and people in the future. All we truly do in life is give our achievement to our kids so as to make their lives somewhat simpler. I would do anything for my folks to do right by them of me, since they have done a great deal for me and I truly owe them. Some portion of my arrangement to do right by them is to procure passage into the drug store school. Be that as it may, I am not doing it for only them, I am additionally doing it for me and for my future. I put stock in my future with everything that is in me. So much can be cultivated when one

Friday, August 21, 2020

Values Practice Issues Within Mental Health Nursing Practice

Qualities Practice Issues Within Mental Health Nursing Practice Utilizing the qualities distinguished in the appended book (compassion and significance of self articulation) audit set up a 2000 word conversation and examination of qualities practice issues inside psychological well-being nursing practice. Presentation This paper plans to investigate a few issues around qualities and practice in psychological wellness nursing. The article expands upon a past bit of work embraced as a developmental task, an audit of a book read by the writer, which raised some key focuses which might be significant in psychological well-being nursing practice. The way toward revealing these issues, in light of exploring and perusing a work of fiction, was one which prompted an association of thoughts, from what the book introduced, and from the author’s individual experience, educational experience, and clinical experience and figuring out how to date. The recognized issues are to do with sympathy, compassion and the significance of self-articulation. These are for the most part gives which the creator accepts are particularly underestimated in regular daily existence, yet which become critical for clients of emotional well-being administrations, and for psychological well-being specialist co-ops, since they influence numerous zones of the individual, their experience, and the restorative relationship. This paper will investigate these issues in the light of a portion of the distributed hypothesis and discussion on these subjects, and the author’s own perspective and encounters. Conversation No doubt inside psychological well-being nursing, the connection between the emotional well-being medical attendant and the customer is significant, however this relationship depends on specific qualities which must support nursing care (Eagger et al, 2005), and certain necessities or prerequisites that the customer may feel according to the medical caretaker. Attendants working inside a system of qualities is no new thing, and qualities (and morals) have consistently supported medication and social insurance (Eagger et al, 2005). As per Svedberg et al (2003), â€Å"Mental wellbeing is made by the interlaced procedure of one’s relationship to oneself and to others†, which would propose that the connections the customer structures with anybody engaged with supporting emotional well-being are doubly significant. The customer may get self-articulation significant for themselves, yet additionally they will require sympathy from the emotional well-being medical caretaker. The medical attendant, thusly, might be tested by the client’s self-articulation, and may think that its difficult to feel empathy or to identify with the customer now and again. One of the difficulties of giving merciful consideration and even to the emotional wellness attendant to encounter empathy is the alleged relationship which a few creators have found between apparent affliction and parental figure sympathy. Schulz et al (2007) propose that there are interfaces between saw enduring and the degree of parental figure sympathy. If so, at that point it could be contended that some emotional wellness attendants who don't feel or show sympathy are doing so in light of the fact that in some way or another they don't see or accept the customer to be genuinely enduring, or to be deserving of empathy. This would raise a moral issue, since all the patient’s needs ought to be met, regardless of what the ‘personal’ reaction to the customer. In any case, this could be an absence of observation with respect to the psychological well-being medical attendant. Akerjordet and Severinsson (2004) examine the issue of enthusiastic insight in nursing, an idea which influences the attendant patient relationship, especially inside psychological wellness nursing. Salovey and Mayer (1990) characterize passionate knowledge as â€Å"the capacity to screen ones own and others sentiments and feelings, to segregate among them and to utilize this data to control ones reasoning and actions† (p 185). In their subjective investigation, Akerjordet and Severinsson (2004) discovered four prevailing topics about enthusiastic knowledge in psychological well-being nursing â€Å"relationship with the patient; the substance of oversight; inspiration; and responsibility.† This would recommend that passionate insight with respect to the medical attendant is significant inside emotional wellness nursing. Akerjordet and Severinsson (2004) recommend that passionate knowledge â€Å"stimulates the quest for a more profound comprehension of an expert psychol ogical wellness nursing identity† and that â€Å"emotional learning and development forms are fundamental to proficient capability, that is, self-awareness and development.† (p 164). Along these lines, the psychological wellness medical caretaker would need to build up the enthusiastic insight to comprehend why they are thinking that its difficult to feel empathy for the customer, and to make a move to cure this, and to act in a touchy and steady manner towards the customer, regardless of whether they don't really feel merciful towards them. Shattell et al (2007) did investigate on the restorative relationship inside emotional well-being administrations, and found that customers communicated encounters of the helpful relationship under the accompanying subjects: identify with me, know me as an individual, and get to the arrangement. â€Å"A remedial relationship for people with psychological sickness requires top to bottom individual information, which is obtained distinctly with time, comprehension, and expertise. Knowing the entire individual, as opposed to knowing the individual just as an assistance recipient.† (Shattell et al, 2007 p 274). This would recommend that the psychological well-being medical attendant ought to be persuaded to build up a compassion with the customer through this information, and ought to effectively participate in searching out manners to know and to comprehend the customer. This may relate back to the issue of enthusiastic knowledge, on the grounds that the psychological wellness nu rture has to know themselves quite well, and to get themselves and their expert persona (Akerjordet and Severinsson, 2004) preceding they would then be able to proceed to become more acquainted with and comprehend, and feel for, the customer. Hamilton and Roper (2007) talk about the idea of understanding, taking a gander at its hypothetical underpinnings, and the way that it is risky in emotional wellness nursing since it very well may be hard to have knowledge into patient’s encounters of psychological sickness. Knowledge is viewed as a component of the way toward becoming acquainted with and comprehend the customer, and from this, building up an information on their psychological instability, including diagnosing their specific dysfunctional behavior (Hamilton and Roper, 2007). Be that as it may, building up this understanding is made troublesome by issues, for example, the apparent distinction in power among guardian and customer, and the desires for ‘patient behaviours’ (Hamilton and Roper, 2007). This would recommend that the psychological well-being medical caretaker needs to consider each to be as a person, as special, and to set aside the effort to really become acquainted with the individual a nd their experience of dysfunctional behavior. Meanings of dysfunctional behavior, and names, can make this harder, for the medical caretaker, and for the customer too, who fears being decreased to their illness as opposed to being viewed as an individual who is sick (Hamilton and Roper, 2007; Shattell et al, 2007). Research by Shatell et al (2006) underscores this point. In their investigation, customers raised various issues around being comprehended by psychological wellness parental figures, and it was this idea of being comprehended which appeared to be generally significant in building up a powerful helpful relationship. A portion of these ideas include: feeling significant; building up associations, and being on a similar level (Shatell et al, 2006). Research by Svedberg et al (2003) discovered comparable outcomes, and in their examination â€Å"the patients depicted how the sentiment of commonality in the relationship with the medical caretaker was significant for the advancement of wellbeing forms. Commonality was accomplished by doing things together and by having a discourse with each other.† (p 451). This creator feels that these standards can be appropriately accomplished by emotional wellness medical caretakers who set aside some effort to become acquainted with the customer and who create compassion with the customer through concentrating consideration on them. The patients needed to feel comprehended in Shatell et al’s (2006) study. â€Å" Feeling significant was a significant result of being comprehended. Being comprehended caused patients to feel like individuals as opposed to being dealt with like a number or being dealt with like in a production line. Members needed to be dealt with like individuals, not as debilitated, intellectually sick people; like people, not a lot of conclusions â€Å" (Shatell et al, 2006 p 237). This could be seen as an outcome of the sympathy and mindfulness of the medical attendant as an expert, and of their capacity to consider the to be as a person, to not be partial by anything about them, particularly not their sickness. This is significant. This creator accepts that sympathy and compassion create through becoming acquainted with the customer appropriately, and that these all upgrade the remedial relationship. Shatell et al (2006) likewise recommend that customers feel significant when they realize the medical attendant has been considering them on occasion other than up close and personal contact, and this is something to consider for training, especially corresponding to the discussions that medical attendants have with patients. It is additionally significant that emotional well-being medical attendants create legitimate listening aptitudes, which would likewise permit them to create caring comprehension, and bolster the customer in communicating (Freshwater, 2006). Empowering self-articulation is a significant piece of medical caretakers becoming acquainted with their patients, no doubt, however self-articulation isn't simple for some individuals. Individuals with psychological sickness are frequently arranging a scope of various feeling of what comprises their ‘self’ (Meehan and Machlachlan, 2008). â€Å" For instance, an expert lady turns into a mother and spouse or ‘homemaker’ when she leaves the workplace for home. In changing starting with one self then onto the next sort, her different self voices renegotiate their progressive system and positions and make an intelligent self story predictable with the job of mother and wife.† (Meehan and

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Essay About Influence of Advertising on My Life

Influence of Advertising on My Life Modern person has nowhere to hide from advertising in urban surrounding. When you go into any street, your eye automatically catches several advertisements and you get distracted from your thoughts and start thinking over their content. When you go somewhere by bus or metro, advertisements are also around you, and in these circumstances you pay even more attention to them, as you have more free time and usually don’t have any serious matters to think over. When you return home and turn on the TV – here it is again, interrupting the most interesting moment in the movie. Many people complain that advertising becomes more and more obtrusive and it even seems to them that they are being manipulated by some ads. To my mind, this problem is rather exaggerated as a lot of other issues. Everything depends on how you conceive it, which is why I try not to think of anything as a big problem, but rather perceive it as a challenging obstacle I have to overcome. Thus, instead of complaining, I consider advertising to be a friend of mine, which helps me to entertain while I go to work or somewhere else; helps me to find some necessary information; makes me laugh at some unprofessional and ridiculous designs; urges me to think what better variant I could propose for the given kind of service myself. And there are plenty of other positive moments which can be derived from advertising. The main thing is the will to find them. To sum up, there are

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Film Noir The Maltese falcon Essay - 966 Words

Film Noir was extremely trendy during the 1940’s. People were captivated by the way it expresses a mood of disillusionment and indistinctness between good and evil. Film Noir have key elements; crime, mystery, an anti-hero, femme fatale, and chiaroscuro lighting and camera angles. The Maltese Falcon is an example of film noir because of the usage of camera angles, lighting and ominous settings, as well as sinister characters as Samuel Spade, the anti-hero on a quest for meaning, who encounters the death of his partner but does not show any signs of remorse but instead for his greed for riches. All throughout The Maltese Falcon the camera angles change with the character. Camera angles and lighting affected the mood of the scene; scenes in†¦show more content†¦There were only a few inhabitants on the sidewalks at one point in time; creating a deserted and mystifying scene; when characters walked on the rain-slicked ground, their footsteps could be hear echoing through the vacant city. When the characters were not outside they were in shabby and dimly lit apartments and hotel rooms. Spade spent the majority of his time in hotel rooms and apartments gathering his information about the Maltese Falcon, by visiting the people who knew anything about the falcon. The eerie settings added to the mystery of where the falcon could be. The Maltese Falcon contained many different types of characters. Spade was a protagonist. While on the other hand Kasper Gutman, Joel Cairo, and Wilmer were antagonists and Brigid O’Shaughnessy was a femme fatale. Each of the characters portrays characteristics of Film Noir. Spade is known as an anti-hero, â€Å"a protagonist who lacks the attributes that make a heroic figure, as nobility of mind and spirit, a life or attitude marked by action or purpose.† ( Spade plays by his own rules and is tough and a bit radical, he doesnt seem to be upset that his partner is dead. But instead tells his secretary to remove his name from the window and put Samuel Spade, instead of Spade and Archer. A hero would not do remove the name because brings suspicionShow MoreRelatedMaltese Falcon as a Film Noir Essay1144 Words   |  5 PagesMaltese Falcon as a Film Noir Film Noir is a French word which means: dark or black film. This is very fitting as Film Noir and the Maltese falcon are stories of dark deceptive people who often cannot be trusted. Film Noir is a good example of this as the story is about a detective called Sam Spade who gets dragged into the quest for the Maltese Falcon with a compulsive liar Kasper Gutman. The Maltese Falcon is a large bird made of solid gold worth millions. The mainRead MoreElements of Film Noir between the Movies Maltese Falcon, Chinatown, and L.A. Confidential572 Words   |  2 Pageselements of Film Noir between the movies Maltese Falcon, Chinatown, and L.A. Confidential. This will also discuss if Chinatown and L.A. Confidential remain true to the classical form or if they are in the baroque level of genre. This essay will also identify these discussions using examples for each film. Maltese Falcon could be explained more precisely as transitional films that mark limitations amongst true film noir and film that may have some elements or none noir. Maltese Falcon presents elementsRead MoreMaltese Falcon, L.A. Confidetial, and Chinatown940 Words   |  4 PagesMaltese Falcon, L.A. Confidential, and Chinatown are all considered a classic for noir films. Even though these films are not actually black film they are a Hollywood crime drama. Not all of them are in the Hollywoods classical film noir period from the early 1940s to the late 1950s. The Maltese Falcon is more like a classical noir film than the other two movies. Maltese falcon has all the traits a noir film should have. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Impact Of Leadership Style And Organizational...

The Effect of Leadership Style and Organizational Environment on Public Administration This paper analyzes the evolution of the field of public administration based on nine theorists’ perspectives on leadership style and organizational structure. It has three parts. The first part compares the nine theorists’ ideas using an organizational framework with special attention to the type of leadership and the environment of the organization. The second part discusses a comprehensive definition of the field of public administration. The third part offers predictions about the field of public administration, and the opportunities and threats faced by it. Organizational Framework Theories of public administration can best be compared using a framework with two-axis (see figure 1 below). The Y-axis has the environment of the organization with formal at one end and flexible at the other end, and the X-axis has the role of the leader with autocratic on one end and democratic on the other. The framework will discuss the major relevant contributions of the following theorists: Max Weber, Frederick W. Taylor, Luther H. Gulick, Mary Parker Follet, Elton Mayo, Chester Barnard, Herbert A. Simon, Charles E. Lindblom, and Dwight Waldo. Autocratic and Formal: Max Weber’s theory centered on the idea that the rule of law is bureaucracy. He focuses on establishing clear lines of authority and control. His theory emphasized the need for a hierarchical structure of power. His organizationShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Design For Performance Growth1097 Words   |  5 Pagesin the business environment (Child, 2005); therefore, it is vital for the organization to (Roberts, (2004 pp 286) incorporate management and leadership strategies in order to create value and accomplish organizational objectives. Northouse (2013) defines leadership as a process, an interactive event striving to accomplish the group’s goal. †¢ Anderson, D. Anderson, L., A. (2010) â€Å"Beyond change management: how to achieve breakthrough results through conscious change leadership† 2nd Ed. PfeifferRead MoreThe Impact Of Leadership On Creativity976 Words   |  4 PagesTopics in Administrative Leadership In this paper I explore two topics related to administrative leadership. The first topic that I examine is the impact of leadership on creativity. The second topic that I will explore is how administrative leadership impacts the implementation of technology in an organization. I seek to look at the research and suggest ways that these topics can be expanded. Leadership and Creativity Zubair and Kamal (2015) examine the impact of leadership on employee creativityRead MoreThe Field Of Public Administration914 Words   |  4 Pagesevolution of the field of public administration based on the leadership style and the organizational structure. 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Life Cycle Environmental and Economic †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Life Cycle Environmental and Economic. Answer: Introduction: The Holden Company is a historical figure in the Australian automotive industry and has been doing business for the past one and a half decades. The company launched its first car model called the 48-215 in the year 1948, which was an immediate success in the automotive market of Australia. The company became an integral part of the people within the country and the name is often associated with its own status and symbolizes a spirit of strength along with adaptability (Thomas and Holden 2016). The company presently employs around 6300 people from Australia and has produced more than seven million vehicles. The company is a part of the General Motors (GM), which is one of the largest automobile industries in the world since 1931. The company caters to the domestic and international clients and is an exporter of best quality engines across the globe and provides expertise in the markets as well (Holden and Risebro 2015). The operational activities of the company are located in Fishermans Bend, which deals with the manufacturing of the engine parts along with administration; the Dandenong area provides expertise in the operation of the spare parts and the Lang Lang area in Victoria along with Elizabeth in South Australia are the places where the manufacturing plants of the company are located (Ewing, Wagstaff and Powell 2013). The retail sales of Holden Australia according to the 2007 market saw an increase of 14 percent of the market share, as the company was able to sell 146,680 number of car units. The brand called Commodore alone was sold in 57,300 numbers of units and continued to be the most popular car of the Australian people for twelve years in a row. The plant that is located in Elizabeth produced a total of 107,795 numbers of units out of which the exports for the company reached to 36,354 units. Apart from this, the engine operations that are located in Victoria produced a total of 269,421 number of four and six- cylinder engines, which was exported to different places across the globe (Holden and Risebro 2015). Internal environment of the company The company was established in 1856 and shows the legacy of its brand in the Australian market. Most of the people can easily associate the brand with themselves, as it has served the community for a long period. The company provides employment opportunities to more than 6000 people, which has helped them in leading a better life and helped in increasing the economy of the country. The company is known to make minivans and Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs), which are preferred in the Australian and the entire market as well. The company also has a strong image in the Australian and the New Zealand market, which has helped them in increasing their sales and generating better revenues. The merge with General Motors has helped the company in gaining international recognition, as the company is known all around the world (Sharma and Strezov 2017). The company mainly focuses its sales on a regional basis and tries to be competitive in its home and New Zealand market. The presence in the global market and the shares in the international market for the company are negligible when compared to other manufacturers in the automobile industry. The weak presence of the company in the international has made it difficult for the company to increase their sales in those particular markets (Bunyan 2015). The model Chevrolet/ Holden Volt is one of the products of the company that will help the company in increasing its volume of sales. The company needs to capitalize this opportunity so that they can capture the international market as well. The company needs to tap the resources that are present in the Asian and the African continents. This will help the company in increasing their volume of sales. The company can also develop their cars in a better manner with the help of the parent company that is General Motors, as they can provide better insights about new models of designs to the company (Morris 2013). The shift from the fuel cars to the electric or hybrid cars, which has increased has caused a problem to the company, as they majorly deal with cars that dawns a trendy look to the customers. The Korean and the Japanese car manufacturers have established their companies in a better manner, which has caused a problem for Holden in entering in to new markets that may provide opportunities for the company. The goodwill of the brand does not have a better reach in all the geographical locations on the earth (Mutze 2017). The government of China since the inception of 2013 is creating problems with the sale of the foreign products, as it is encouraging the local people in the intake of the local products. Before 2013, it was seen that the agencies that are based locally helped in encouraging the people in purchasing foreign goods. The rules and regulations of the government have had a huge impact on the automobile industry and made it mandatory for them to follow the safety procedures. The government has imposed custom duties and regulations of trade, which are complex for the marketing procedure of the company. The government has to be given a certain sum of shares so that they can keep a check on the ongoing practices within the company along with the taxation rules (Garcia 2017). The fluctuations in the price of the fuel along with the demand of the customers that is relative in nature, as they look for solutions that are economical in nature. The company needs to conduct a thorough research of the market so that they can have a better understanding of the high-end and the hybrid cars that are plying within the country. The prices of steel are also fluctuating in the marketing, which will pose as a threat for the company in the Chinese market (Shende 2014). The company has to understand the social needs of the Chinese customers so that they can provide the customers with the choice of vehicles that may be suitable for the consumers. The company also needs to give preference to the social status of the people in China so that they can be provided with the choice of cars that they want (Kapinski et al. 2014). The technology has been advancing on a regular basis in the current market and the Chinese economy is considered to use the latest technologies that are available to them. the company needs to set up their manufacturing plants in the country and hire robots in the production process so that the units that are manufactured in the company can be increased to a great extent (Zhou et al. 2015). The business has to be set up keeping in mind the rules and regulations that are present in the country so that they are not violated. The laws of safety along with the custom laws have to be followed by the company so that they can set up their business in a proper manner. Holden is known to follow all the rules and regulations that are present in the countries and ensures that the company is under the guidance of the laws that are present in that country (Hao 2014). The company has to follow the environmental laws as well, as China is highly polluted and they need to reduce the carbon emissions so that they can operate in a successful manner. The company needs to take the environmental pledge that is the CERES Principles, which consists of ten points about the environmental guide to the business (Zhou et al. 2015). The company produces various kinds of vehicles such as sports vehicles along with luxury and fuel efficient cars. This helps the buyers, as they get a wide range for selecting their vehicles according to their purchasing power. The company tries to manufacture the products according to the demands of the customers so that it can help them in increasing their value in the local market. The company provides the cars to the customers according to the capacity of the usage of the customers. The cars that are luxurious in nature are manufactured for the elite group while the young people prefer sports cars. The middle class people are more in to cars that are fuel efficient in nature. The cars are manufactured in the range of 1500-2000cc, which extends up to 7000cc as well for the sports cars. These cars are all built according to the demand that the company has in the market place (Andre et al. 2015). The company will try to attract the all section of the customers, as the products that are being manufactured by the company will cater to the needs and preferences of all sections of the society. The cars that have a higher price will be preferred by the elite classes that are living in the country, which will act as a status for them. The middle class people will be interested in the cars that will help them in saving their costs in every month. The customers who are adventurous will try to purchase the sports cars from the company, which will help in them in providing them with a thrilling experience (Jahanshani et al. 2014). The company is trying to manufacture hybrid cars so that it can help in protecting the environment in a better manner. The SUV vehicles that the company is manufacturing will be introduced in a new and upgraded manner, which will get a makeover known as Holden Special Vehicles (HSV). This will be done with the help of the local manufacturers so that their ideas can be taken up for completing the project. The CEO of the company has stated that these cars will come in different varieties and models, which will help the customers in having their own preferences. The old varieties of the cars will be launched in a new manner so that it can provide a new design to the customers, which will help in boosting up of the sales. The company will try to provide stiff competition to Ford in the custom car market, as they are trying to enter the market with new varieties of products (Fang 2013). The company can also provide valuable services to its customers in a new manner. The company can provide free services to the high end customers along with the loyal customers if their cars break down while driving on the road. The company can provide help lines to the customers so that if any accidents that might take place can be handled in an efficient and a better way. The customers can ask for help from the company and the company will provide the customers with another car at their current location so that the customers can reach their destinations safely. This will help the company in having a better understanding with the customers and strengthen the relationships as well (Jahanshani et al. 2014). The marketing mix serves as a basic foundation for a company to understand and formulate the strategies that will help them in campaigning in a new market. The analysis of the market is based on the macro and the micro parameters, which helps in understanding the characteristics of the brand and the presence that it has over the world (Baccarellla et al. 2014). The marketing mix consists of the factors that are as follows: The product that the company needs to introduce in the market will be the cars that are compact in nature so that the traffic problems can be avoided. The cars will be produced according to the needs and preferences of the customers and according to the rules and regulations that are laid by the government. The standards of the environment need to be maintained by the company so that the products can be pliable in the new market (Du, Hu and Damangir 2015). The pricing of the cars needs to be done based on the current economic conditions so that the customers can be interested in purchasing the products. The company needs to set the prices according to the range of income of the middle class group of people so that they can afford to purchase the products. This will help the company in maintaining its equilibrium of price in the market (Raj, Sasikumar and Sriram 2013). The company needs to choose an appropriate place for launching its product so that it can help in selling of the products in a better manner. The manufacturing and assembling plants have to be located in a better environment so that the products that have been manufactured can be transported to the showrooms in an efficient manner. This will help the company in increasing its sales in the market, as the operational cost will decrease to a great extent (Colmom and Hulsmann 2014). The use of extensive advertisements has to be done by the company so that the customers can be aware of the product that that the company wants to sells in the market. The promotional activities will help the company in spreading awareness about the product among the customers. The use of newspapers and magazines along with the social media platforms will help the company in explaining the details of the products to the customers so that they can get to know about the product in a better manner. The company needs to evaluate the effectiveness of the electronic media as well, which will help them in attracting the prime time customers towards the company as well (Baccarella et al. 2014). Conclusion Therefore it can be concluded that the company needs to set up its business in the Chinese market with respect to the following criteria that has been mentioned. The right customers have to be targeted so that they can help in increasing the sale of the products for the company. The company needs to evaluate the external factors in a better manner so that they do not face any barriers while entering the market. The rules and regulations of the country have to be maintained in a better manner by the company, which will help them in setting up of the company easily. The promotional activities that will help the company in spreading awareness about the product will help in increasing the sales of the product so that the customers can get the benefit of using the product that is being manufactured by Holden. The price that will be kept by the company will be based on the average level of income that is present in the market so that the customers will be willing to try out the product, wh ich will be easy on their pockets as well. The company first needs to try the exporting method, which is that the products need to be imported from Australia so that it can help in understanding the dynamics that are present in the market. Reference List Andre, D., Kim, S.J., Lamp, P., Lux, S.F., Maglia, F., Paschos, O. and Stiaszny, B., 2015. Future generations of cathode materials: an automotive industry perspective.Journal of Materials Chemistry A,3(13), pp.6709-6732. Baccarella, C.V., Scheiner, C.W., Trefzger, T.F. and Voigt, K.I., 2014. High-tech marketing communication in the automotive industry: a content analysis of print advertisements.International Journal of Business Environment,6(4), pp.395-410. Bunyan, M., 2015. A Plan for the Future of Australian Manufacturers: Developing Management, Leadership and Innovation. Colmorn, R. and Hlsmann, M., 2014. Strategic perspectives for electric mobility: some considerations about the automotive industry. InEvolutionary Paths Towards the Mobility Patterns of the Future(pp. 155-168). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Du, R.Y., Hu, Y. and Damangir, S., 2015. Leveraging trends in online searches for product features in market response modeling.Journal of Marketing,79(1), pp.29-43. Ewing, M.T., Wagstaff, P.E. and Powell, I.H., 2013. Brand rivalry and community conflict.Journal of Business Research,66(1), pp.4-12. Fang, E.E., 2013, May. Customer participation and the trade-off between new product innovativeness and speed to market. American Marketing Association. Garcia, D.A., 2017. Analysis of non-economic barriers for the deployment of hydrogen technologies and infrastructures in European countries.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,42(10), pp.6435-6447. Hao, H., Ou, X., Du, J., Wang, H. and Ouyang, M., 2014. Chinas electric vehicle subsidy scheme: Rationale and impacts.Energy Policy,73, pp.722-732. Holden, H. and Risebro, N.H., 2015. Introduction. InFront Tracking for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws(pp. 1-51). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Jahanshani, A.A., Hajizadeh, G.M.A., Mirdhamadi, S.A., Nawaser, K. and Khaksar, S.M.S., 2014. Study the effects of customer service and product quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Kapinski, J., Deshmukh, J.V., Sankaranarayanan, S. and Arechiga, N., 2014, April. Simulation-guided lyapunov analysis for hybrid dynamical systems. InProceedings of the 17th international conference on Hybrid systems: computation and control(pp. 133-142). ACM. Morris, S., 2013. Improving energy efficient, sustainable building design and construction in Australialearning from Europe.ISS Institute, Australia. Mutze, G., 2017. Continental?scale analysis of feral cat diet in Australia, prey?switching and the risk: benefit of rabbit control.Journal of Biogeography,44(7), pp.1679-1681. Raj, M.P.M., Sasikumar, J. and Sriram, S., 2013. A Study On Customers Brand Preference in Suvs and Muvs: Effect of Marketing Mix Variables.Researchers World,4(1), p.48. Sharma, A. and Strezov, V., 2017. Life cycle environmental and economic impact assessment of alternative transport fuels and power-train technologies.Energy. Shende, V., 2014. Analysis of research in consumer behavior of automobile passenger car customer.International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications,4(2), p.1. Thoms, D. and Holden, L., 2016.The motor car and popular culture in the twentieth century. Routledge. Zhou, Y., Wang, M., Hao, H., Johnson, L. and Wang, H., 2015. Plug-in electric vehicle market penetration and incentives: a global review.Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change,20(5), pp.777-795.

Monday, April 20, 2020

My Super Hero free essay sample

My Superhero September 2, 2013 Introduction I thought Id start out with heroes. We all have leaders. Leaders are those that we respect the most and want to be like. None of these leaders the ones you know or the ones you dont know yet are perfect, and if they were, I doubt if I would want to emulate them. They are Just leaders who followed the facts to where the facts led them, and when they found themselves in some odd place, coming to some even odder conclusions, these leaders didnt back down. Leader I admire Everyone has their own admired leader. And for me, that leader is a very famous aperture Superman. This is simply because he is too much of a hero not to admire. First, his background is really extraordinary. Born into a family that lived on a farm, Superman had to disguise his talents. Ata young age, he took an interest in many things, but could not par take due to his super power strength and so he began controlling it. We will write a custom essay sample on My Super Hero or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He was also such an intelligent student that there were times were he had to be average so not to give up his identity in anyway. However, he decided to leave after high school and become a reporter to be closer to any crisis that may be accruing. But that is nothing compared with his life saving actions. He is the one who created a turning-point for good versus evil. When there was trouble you can count on him to be there. There was nothing that en would not do tort the people to earth. He was someone that people could look up to. An icon for those that had no hope and needed a saver, he was there. When most of other famous superheroes usually have messy lives, superman did not. His personal life was a happy and peaceful one. Evaluation of my leadership style When doing my evaluation I tend to accept input from one or more group embers when making decisions and solving problems, but I do retain the final say when choices are made. Group members tend to be encouraged and motivated by my style of leadership. My style of leadership often leads to more effective and accurate decisions, since I cannot be an expert in all areas. Input from group members with specialized knowledge and expertise creates a more complete basis for decision-making. My plan to improve To improve I will continue to boost morale and boosts retention. When boosting morale I will continue to recognize their efforts. Of course this is not as effective in titivating people as involving them in important decisions. I will also look for those that can serve my organization at a later date. I enjoy encouraging active involvement on the part of everyone on the team. When boosting retention I will encourage employees to give their opinions on company issues, getting a variety of solutions to choose from. Empowering employees to be creative would develop more productive work and make the company more efficient. By allowing employees to be active in the growth of the company will encourage them to stay with the company. This will improve employee retention and cut down on the costs of turnover.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Free Essays on Stop All The Clocks, Cut Off The Telephone

â€Å"Stop All the Clocks, Cut Off the Telephone † Wystan Hugh Auden is known for writing poetry that says something truthful about life. In his poem, â€Å"Stop All the Clocks, Cut Off the Telephone †, Auden writes of the importance of love in our life. The speaker in the poem has lost love in his life, and believes his life is meaningless without love. W.H. Auden uses imagery and diction to convey the idea that love should not be taken for granted, love is wonderful and without love the world is nothing. Throughout â€Å"Stop All the Clocks, Cut Off the Telephone†, Auden uses imagery to portray love to be vital to our life. The loss of his love seems to be so immense that the speaker creates a funeral for his love. The funeral is not just an ordinary funeral it is painted in the reader’s mind as a funeral fit for royalty. In this grand funeral, there are â€Å"aeroplanes circl[ing] moaning overhead† (5) and â€Å"crepe bows† (7) are put around â€Å"the white necks of the public doves† (7). Few funerals involve airplanes, â€Å"scribbling on the sky† (6) and doves wearing bows, a funeral life this would belong to someone great. The speaker is creating the idea that love is so magnificent that if it were to have a funeral, only the best would be fit. In the fourth stanza of the poem, Auden creates the image that without love everything else is worthless. The speaker believes that his love is dead so in turn everything else should die too. He p ortrays the universe to be inferior to love, â€Å"the stars are not wanted now: put out every one; Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun† (13-14), he is very nonchalant about theses massive structures. He lets the reader feel his pain; he no longer cares about the moon and the stars because his heart is empty. These are very powerful images, which show how important love is and how it feels to lose love. The diction in the first line of the poem sets the importance of love to the speaker. ... Free Essays on Stop All The Clocks, Cut Off The Telephone Free Essays on Stop All The Clocks, Cut Off The Telephone â€Å"Stop All the Clocks, Cut Off the Telephone † Wystan Hugh Auden is known for writing poetry that says something truthful about life. In his poem, â€Å"Stop All the Clocks, Cut Off the Telephone †, Auden writes of the importance of love in our life. The speaker in the poem has lost love in his life, and believes his life is meaningless without love. W.H. Auden uses imagery and diction to convey the idea that love should not be taken for granted, love is wonderful and without love the world is nothing. Throughout â€Å"Stop All the Clocks, Cut Off the Telephone†, Auden uses imagery to portray love to be vital to our life. The loss of his love seems to be so immense that the speaker creates a funeral for his love. The funeral is not just an ordinary funeral it is painted in the reader’s mind as a funeral fit for royalty. In this grand funeral, there are â€Å"aeroplanes circl[ing] moaning overhead† (5) and â€Å"crepe bows† (7) are put around â€Å"the white necks of the public doves† (7). Few funerals involve airplanes, â€Å"scribbling on the sky† (6) and doves wearing bows, a funeral life this would belong to someone great. The speaker is creating the idea that love is so magnificent that if it were to have a funeral, only the best would be fit. In the fourth stanza of the poem, Auden creates the image that without love everything else is worthless. The speaker believes that his love is dead so in turn everything else should die too. He p ortrays the universe to be inferior to love, â€Å"the stars are not wanted now: put out every one; Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun† (13-14), he is very nonchalant about theses massive structures. He lets the reader feel his pain; he no longer cares about the moon and the stars because his heart is empty. These are very powerful images, which show how important love is and how it feels to lose love. The diction in the first line of the poem sets the importance of love to the speaker. ...

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Explore the importance of the WTO for international business Essay

Explore the importance of the WTO for international business - Essay Example The World Trade Organization (WTO) is a modern international association constructed as an enduring body. It is meant to perform the role of a regulator in the scopes of exchange in goods, exchange in services, external investment, and academic property among others. This essay will present the importance of the WTO for international business. WTO and its importance for international business During the late 1990s, a lot of the disputes over globalization concentrated on the World Trade Organization. The WTO was started in 1995 to ease international trade and solve disputes between countries. Geneva was its headquarters, and it had 135 member countries by 1999, majority was developing countries. According to Simmons (2005: 45) the organization helps the developing nations’ interests by easing trade development, providing a system for settling quarrels, reinforcing the integrity of trade changes, and endorsing clear trade systems that lower operation costs. After it was started , the WTO turned out to be a lightning pole for disagreement over globalization (The WTO after Cancun, 2003: 98). The WTO is a compassionate United Nations of Commerce, with enough implementation powers to support countries work out their dissimilarities (Bates, 2007: 76). However to some the WTO is a terrorizing, trade controlled world management of trade in which the statutory body and the law court operate separate the analysis of anyone who is not a regime leader or business lawyer (Morrison, 2009: 67). From this perspective, the organization's influence to arbitrate trade quarrels also provides it the power to dominate national laws, as well as environmental safeties. In that, it entails the independence of its member countries (Correa, 2000: 44). The Doha was the modern trade negotiations between the WTO members (Laeven, 2000: 78). Its purpose was to attain major improvement of the worldwide trading method through the institution of lower tariffs, free services, and trade faci litation. It is also recognized as semi-officially, and the Doha Development Agenda as a central objective is to advance the trading outlooks of developing states (EUROPA-Rapid-Press, 2006). More on Doha is going to be covered later on in the essay. The World Trade Organization was developed because of negations between parties in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) formed at the end of the Second World War. The GATT was developed in 1947 to govern the post-second world war (Caroline, 2004:77). The International Monetary Fund (IMF), the United Nations, and World Bank were also developed in the years of 1944-1945, as the international leaders believed that the international institutions were capable of assisting the economic and social disasters during that time. The institutions would also prevent the global climate from worsening to the point of conflict (Caroline, 2004:77).The organization of the WTO is governed by its supreme authority, and the Legislative Conferenc e, which constitutes of all the WTO members. They meet at least twice a year and can make decisions on all issues concerning the joint trade treaties (Biadgleng, 2008: 45). The task of WTO in worldwide trade as specified in the Agreement incorporates: Aiding the application, administer allowance and procedure and promoting the objectives of the accord creating it and other Mutual Trade Unions and specifying the framework for the application

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Biology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Biology - Research Paper Example The genetic component occurs because of the combined effect of mutated genes. The environmental factor is the lack of vitamins particularly folate during early pregnancy. Checkpoints in a cell cycle are meant for the regulation for the proliferation of the cells. These checkpoints are basically present in the G1 and S phase of the cell cycle. The role of these checkpoints is to check for any DNA damage or other problem in the cell before proceeding in to the cell cycle. The reason behind this is to either correct the DNA damage or if it cannot be repaired to move the cell towards apoptosis. The tumor suppressor genes code for proteins which are involved in the repair of the damaged DNA in the cell cycle and initiation of apoptosis if the damaged DNA cannot be repaired to prevent the formation of abnormal cells. The proto-oncogenes act by stimulating the cell cycle by the formation of transcriptions factors which are responsible for the function of genes and by forming signal transducers which are responsible for the stimulus responsible for the initiation of the cell cycle. Signal transduction is involved in the passing of signals to the nucleus of the cell for essential processes which include replication and transcription. Signal transduction occurs by the binding of a molecule to a receptor which may be located on the cell membrane or within the cell. This molecule carries signals and activates the receptor and brings about changes in the cell by sending signals which may lead to transcription. Increased signal transduction can result from mutations in genes that code for systems involved in carrying out signal transduction. This can lead to cancer because if signal transduction increases, the cells replicate and transcribe at a higher rate and are not under the normal regulatory control. Children suffering from Down syndrome have very high chances of developing leukemia. Also patients who have leukemia along with Down syndrome have a

Friday, January 31, 2020

Customer Relationship Management and Systems Essay Example for Free

Customer Relationship Management and Systems Essay 1. What concepts in this chapter are illustrated in this case? Symantec Corporation started out with good intentions. Shortly after acquiring Veritas it began an ERP rollout that was designed to standardize and unify the Symantec and Veritas information systems. The goal was to create a single ERP system, within which all of the company’s extensive network of resellers, integrators, distributors, and customers could place orders for over 250,000 different products Symantec offered in the same way. That follows the basic concept of enterprise systems which are based on a suite of integrated software modules and a common central database. When new information is entered by one process, the information is made immediately available to other business processes. Although companies can rewrite some of the software in ERP systems, the software is unusually complex and extensive customization may degrade system performance, compromising the information and process integration. If companies want to reap the maximum benefits from enterprise software, they must change the way they work to conform to the business processes in the software. Although Symantec and Veritas had each used Oracle E-Business Suite 11d prior to the merger, both used highly customized versions of the systems that made integration a daunting task. An overhaul of the combined company’s enterprise systems was needed to join together Symantec and Veritas’s data from key business processes. Enterprise systems help large companies enforce standard practices and data so that everyone does business the same way worldwide. Enterprise systems help firms respond rapidly to customer requests for information or products. Unfortunately, the two companies bungled the implementation of the enterprise system almost from the beginning. 2. What management, organization, and technology factors were responsible for Symantec’s difficulties in overhauling its ERP systems? Management: Most of the issues were due to the company’s shortsightedness in implementing Project Oasis. The initial reaction to the launch of the new system was decidedly negative. Once customers reached a Symantec employee, they could spend up to 20 more minutes troubleshooting problems, and were often told that there was nothing that could be done. There was simply too much change occurring all at once for typical customers to handle. Partners were unhappy with Symantec’s slow response to many of the problems. Organization: The company was unprepared to meet the increased demand for customer support after the rollout. Symantec neglected to coordinate the development of its new ERP system with the launch of other products from different divisions within the company. The changes to the licensing system were not coordinated with the rest of the project. Customers were unhappy with changes to the stock-keeping unit product system (SKU system). Symantec had overlooked the needs of many customers while designing a technically sound but user-unfriendly ERP system. Technology: Both companies used highly customized versions of Oracle’s E-Business Suite 11d prior to the merger. Users struggled to process the large amount of information provided to them and were overwhelmed by the increased number of steps, all of them new, required to place orders. Some smaller distributors and partners didn’t update their systems to handle the new SKUs and were unable to submit purchase orders electronically. After the rollout, licensing became much more difficult for Symantec’s customers and partners, forcing them to wait multiple weeks before receiving their licenses. 3. Was Symantec’s response to the problem adequate? Explain your reasoning. The company initiated a follow-up project named Project Nero. The goal of the project was to recapture the loyalty of customers who were disenchanted by the changes brought about by Oasis. The project reached out to customers and fixed the problems with the information systems to improve response times and streamline operations. The company began by adding over 150 new customer representatives to handle the increased volume of calls, reducing wait times and increasing customer satisfaction. Executives traveled the country to improve relations with angered customers and partners. The company introduced a master list of product releases readily available and standardized its communication methods between departments regarding new projects and change management. Symantec used Net Promoter methodology to measure and increase customer loyalty. The results identified specific criticisms and customer problems and dramatically aided Symantec in correcting those problems. Project Nero helped the company weather the worst of the crisis. However, the company does not release the results of its Net Promoter surveys to the public so the extent to which it has repaired its reputation is unclear. 4. What would you have done differently to prevent the implementation problems that arose at Symantec? Student answers will vary but some of the principles that should be included in their answers are: Even the most careful planning and well-designed systems can quickly go awry if customers are unable to make use of the new system. Enterprise applications involve complex pieces of software that are very expensive to purchase and implement. The total implementation cost of a large system, including software, database tools, consulting fees, personnel costs, training, and perhaps hardware costs, might amount to four to five times the initial purchase price for the software. Enterprise applications require not only deep-seated technological changes but also fundamental changes in the way a business operates. Business processes must be changed to work with the software. Employees must accept new job functions and responsibilities. Most implementation projects fail or experience enormous problems because executives, managers, and employees did not understand how much organizational change was required. Specific Symantec problems that perhaps could have been avoided: †¢ Communicate with employees better to counteract the negative attitude towards the project. †¢ Communicate with customers and distributors better about the upcoming changes. †¢ Make sure all of the systems that were changing were coordinated throughout the organization. †¢ Not change as many systems all at the same time. Even though stretching the implementation out over a longer period may have cost more money, perhaps it would have prevented some of the massive problems overall. 5. If you were a partner or customer of Symantec, would you have switched vendors in response to the ERP overhaul issues? Why or why not? Student answers will vary. Some principles to keep in mind are: Enterprise applications introduce switching costs that make it very costly to switch vendors. Companies become dependent on the vendor to upgrade its product and maintain the installation. Many of Symantec’s partners and smaller distributors were reliant on Symantec and perhaps could not afford to switch vendors. That would mean they would have to switch all of their internal systems at great cost. Customers are often reluctant to switch vendors based on historical relationships. If the problems seem temporary, the customers will hang on. If the problems seem insurmountable, some customers will desert the sinking ship.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Are Most of The Errors Which EFL Learners Make Due to Interference from

Introduction It is commonly assumed that where there are differences between L1 and L2, the learner's L1 will probably interfere with the L2 (negative language transfer), whereas, when L1 and L2 are similar, the L2 will assist the L2 learning (positive language transfer) (Ellis, 1994). Therefore, we tend to believe that most of the errors are account of negative transfer. This is partly true according to many empirical studies of errors which have showed that many errors are common to different linguistic backgrounds. The L1 is, therefore, one of various sources of errors, and there might be other reasons which should be considered (Krashen, 1988). Approaches to Errors Errors are made when learners of L2 produce incorrect language because they do not know the correct form, while mistakes are made when learners produce incorrect language although they know the correct form ( Learners can correct their own mistakes, but by definition, they can not correct errors. Errors are considered to be partial acquisition of the target language. In fact, errors should be viewed as "the tip of the iceberg" of a dynamic process of foreign language acquisition ( Instead of treating the developmental stages in learners' language as errors, it may be better to view these errors as partial acquisition. This point of view and many others concerning errors, however, neither overlook nor neglect the positive and negative influence of L1 on L2...

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Mca List of All Colleges and Fees Mumbai

Sr. No. | College Code | Name of the College / Institute | Date of the Meeting in which the Samiti Approved Fee Stucturr for Academic Year 2011-12 | Interim Fee Approved by the Samiti for Academic Year 2012-13 | 1| 3012| Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute(VJTI), Matunga,Mumbai| | 27000| 2| 3185| Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology, Chembur, Mumbai| 11/10/2011| 59860| 3| 3161| K.J. Somaiya Institute in Management Studies ; Research, Vidyavihar, Mumbai. | 16/09/2011| 77140| 4| 3173| Deccan Education Society's Navinchandra Mehta Institute of Technology & Development, Dadar, Mumbai (Kirti College)| 16/09/2011| 74250| 5| 3169| Late Bhausaheb Hiray S. S. Trust's Institute of Computer Application, Bandra (E), Mumbai. 16/09/2011| 70000| 6| 3215| Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan's Sardar Patel Institute of Technology , Andheri, Mumbai (Bhavans Andheri)| 13/06/2011 | 85400| 7| 3162| Bharti Vidyapeeth's Institute of Management ; Information Technology, Navi Mumbai| 11/10/2011| 815 50| 8| 3170| NCRD's Sterling Institute of Management Studies, Navi Mumbai | 4/11/2011| 56650| 9| 3146| Jawahar Education Society's Annasaheb Chudaman Patil College of Engineering,Kharghar| 4/11/2011| 62000| 10| 3168| Thakur Institute of Management Studies Career Development Research, Kandivali (E), Mumbai. 16/09/2011| 103500| 11| 3171| Audyogik Shikshan Mandal’s Institute Of Management ; Computer Studies ( IMCOST), Thane| 11/10/2011| 80130| 12| 3147| Saraswati Education Society, Yadavrao Tasagaonkar Institute of Engineering ; Technology, Karjat| 4/11/2011| 75000| 13| 3165| SIES College of Management Studies, Nerul, Navi Mumbai| 11/01/2012| 99480| 14| 3167| Mumbai Education Trust's Institute of Computer Science, Bandra (W), Mumbai. | 11/10/2011| 107525| |

Monday, January 6, 2020

Physics of Firearms Essay - 1363 Words

A firearm, in the most basic form, consists of a barrel, an action, a firing mechanism, a stock and a sighting device. No matter the form of the firearm, the same basic principles of physics and chemistry apply. The study of these principles is called ballistics. There are three types of ballistics, internal, external, and terminal. Internal ballistics is the study of the flight of a projectile inside a firearm. External ballistics is the study of the flight of a bullet after leaving the muzzle and until it hits the target. Terminal ballistics is the study of the effects of a projectile on a given target. Because this essay deals with the flight of the bullet, terminal ballistics will not be discussed. Internal ballistics is the study†¦show more content†¦This is also the same as the diameter of the barrel and is usually measured in hundredths of an inch. For example, a 30 caliber gun corresponds to a 0.300 inch distance between the lands. Recoil As the bullet leaves the gun, it has a certain kinetic energy determined by the mass of the bullet and the square of its velocity (K=1/2mv^2.). According to Newton ï ¿ ½s third law: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction (F1=-F2.) In the case of a rifle, the bullet leaving the barrel is the action and the free recoil is the reaction. Although the mass of the bullet components and their velocity are the main factors that influence this recoil, acceleration, firearm mass, and the shooterï ¿ ½s mass determine how the recoil is felt by the shooter. The shorter the time the bullet accelerates down the barrel, the harder the kick felt by the shooter. Also, if the mass of the gun is greater, the lower will be the recoil. This is also true of the shooter. A shooter with a larger mass will feel less recoil than the one with a smaller mass. This is why most target rifles are of a small caliber and heavy construction. To demonstrate this, the following calculations show the free recoil generated by a small caliber target rifle (1.06J) and a large caliber big game hunting rifle (53.54J). Free Recoil Free recoil is the result of the propulsive force of theShow MoreRelatedThe Physics of Firearms1626 Words   |  7 PagesFirearms are often featured on the news due to poor use as well as featured in popular culture’s television crime dramas, but have you stopped to ponder about where these devices came from, the different types, the trajectory patterns that are created their bullets and how they work? The following paragraphs are designed to address all of the following questions. A firearm is a complex arrangement of various metals that can eject a small lead piece at high speeds, causing maximum destruction onRead More Physics of Firearms Essay620 Words   |  3 Pagesactivity and it is enjoyed by many people, so much so that it is also done at a competitive level. 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